

2024 Huafu Technology New Year speech!

來源:Huafu 2024-02-09

Year-old law update, journey such as rainbow. On the occasion of the New Year, the leadership of Henan Huafu Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. extends their high respect and sincere New Year greetings to all Huafu children and their families who have worked hard for the past year! I would like to extend my best wishes and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders, comrades and friends from all walks of life for the New Year!

Seemingly ordinary and the most strange, such as easy but difficult. Looking back at 2023, the haze of the epidemic has just dissipated. In the face of fierce market competition and arduous tasks of reform and development, we are working hard to overcome obstacles and forge ahead in overcoming difficulties. Along the way, all Huafu people with hard casting cause, with sweat harvest results, handed over a struggle against the trend.

Over the past year, we have stayed true to our original aspiration and forged ahead. The Party organization of the company thoroughly studies and implements the 20th spirit of the Party, firmly grasps the general requirements of theme education, takes the leading cadres to take the initiative to sink the basic level, breaks the management barriers of the company, and effectively makes the theme education go deep and solid; the company insists on party building and integrates production and operation to promote industrial development, continuously deepens the innovation of Party building content and advanced typical establishment, carries out a series of Party building activities, builds the brand system of Huafu culture, gathers development advantages, and enables high-quality development of the enterprise.

This year, we are down-to-earth, steady and far. Company focus on the main business, under pressure, very to bear, with extraordinary courage and energy, anchor the superior company annual work deployment, focus on high quality steady growth target, in the market casting sword action, focus on the implementation of cost base engineering, vigorously promotes the quality of one percentage project, carry out safety standardization construction, focus on strengthening "two gold" control, pay attention to talent team construction, etc., seek improvement in stability, more breakthrough, realize the production and business operation running smoothly.    

This year, we took the trend and bucked the trend. Company fully implement the new development concept and high quality development ideas, adhere to the scale and quality, speed and efficiency and development strategy, tree prison project is king orientation, strengthen strategic leading, pragmatic and effective promote strategic control, steadily promote the company development scale, transformation structure, development mode upgrade, for the "difference" development. In 2023, the company's nano silver wire smart terminal project will be put into operation on schedule, the project of Zunyi Branch company will turn a profit, the company's key production equipment and information system will be intelligent transformed, the company's information and digital empowerment will achieve remarkable results, and the sales of intelligent interactive all-in-one machine will continue to grow. The construction of these key projects is progressing steadily, further boosting the high-quality and rapid development of the company.          

This year, we have hard work, fruitful. Company long-term adhere to the material civilization and spiritual civilization construction go hand in hand, and communities in construction of spiritual civilization, adhere to the party construction, spiritual civilization construction and the organic combination of the production and operation work, the implementation of the work deployment, improve the staff ideological awareness, moral standards, civilization accomplishment, business ability and spirit, set up the good social image of science and technology, for the sustainable and healthy development of the company laid a solid foundation. The work of the company has been commended and recognized by the superior: the company's "postdoctoral innovation practice Base" was approved and named; The company has been selected as the "Top 50 Printing and packaging Enterprises in China" for many years, 49th; The company won the honorary title of "2022 Annual Advanced Unit of Organization Work" in Neixiang County; The company won the "Neixiang County fourth games collective first prize"; The company won the title of "Henan Province New High barrier soft Packaging Material Engineering Research Center"; The company won the title of "provincial Green Factory"; The company won the title of "five-star advanced Party branch" and "Neixiang County Party construction demonstration site" and other honorary titles... Honor belongs to all, Achievements belong to every Huafu person, We are all trying to run, We are all dreamers. Let's roll up our sleeves and work hard, and run to the future together!

Lujiang tide from the sea and sky wide, vigorous move forward sail at the right time. The year 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which is a key year for the company to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. We will always to xi jinping, the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, fully implement the party's 20 spirit and the superior company conference spirit, focusing on the production and business operation center task, with "five-star" branch to create work, continue to promote the party construction and the production and operation depth fusion, to work and bear, give "solidarity, relentlessly resourceful innovation" enterprise culture new practice, new connotation, promote the transformation and upgrading of science and technology and high quality development.

 In 2024, we must adhere to the efficiency first, efficiency priority guidance, to change speed, management optimization, development, management efficiency, seize new opportunities, strengthen new plate, explore new markets, focusing on strategic emerging industries and future industry, based on the "delay chain growing green printing industry, speed up the breakthrough high barrier membrane industrialization, foster nano silver line industry chain practice green development" industry layout, with scientific and technological innovation as the lead, speed up the formation of new quality productivity, is committed to its science and technology into a profound influence and core competitiveness of first-class "specialization, new" demonstration enterprises.

In 2024, we must adhere to unswervingly beginner's mind, the determination to cross the boat, courageous confidence, firm perseverance, keep "cloud flying still calm" concentration, inspire "the more dangerous more forward" drive, seek improvement in stability, into the stability, on the new journey of high quality development more sonorous steps, writing more wonderful chapter!    The horn had been sounded, and the drums and thunder had continued. In 2024, let's welcome the arrival of the New Year with full confidence and expectation!

I sincerely wish the motherland prosperity and peaceful people!

I wish you all good luck, happiness and health!

Party general branch secretary, chairman Wang Zhi

General Manager, Guo Jiansen

The Spring Festival of 2024